This department is responsible for the administration. It provides services to line management as a business and strategic partner working hand in hand with the Office of the Municipal Manager.
The Key Performance Areas for Corporate Services are the Institutional arrangements, development and transformation, Good Governance, and Financial Management.
Oversees Council Secretariat and Support, Auxiliary Services, Fleet Management, Municipal Stores, Contract Management. Provision of Tools of Trade for Councillors & Employees and Property/Real estate management
Human Capital Planning, Provisioning, management & functionality. Employee conditions and benefits, Job evaluation, Employee Occupational, Health & Safety, Compliance. Implementation of Organizational Employee Wellness Programmes, Equity management & implementation. Employee – Employer relations, Councillor and Staff Capacitation, Training & Development. Labour Relations, and Organisational Development & Systems
Provides strategic direction over ICT function, manages contracts of ICT and related services, and oversees the efficient and effective ICT system/s for sound governance.
Facilitate engagement of legal services providers to provide legal services, in respect of Criminal law, Labour Law, Law of Contracts, Civil Engineering and Construction contracts law, Conveyancing, and other General legal services excluding the mentioned areas to the Municipality as and when necessary.
Policy Development: implementation & enforcement of Strategies, Plans, Frameworks, & Standard Operating Procedures, roll out and implementation.
Budgeting: Budget management (departmental), programmes/project and contract Management.
Risk Management: Strategic & Operational departmental risks.
Performance Management System: Organisational & cascading and coordinating Individual performance and provide quality assurance on performance information.